Getting Support
Fill out an application online or download our application and send it to us by email.
What are the eligibility criteria for receiving financial assistance from our foundation?
Under the Income Tax Act, a foundation can award grants or donations only to qualified grantees. This means that the organizations eligible to receive contributions from our foundation are all charitable organizations registered with the CRA.
The application for funding must include the purchase of tangible resources that the clientele will be able to benefit from. We want it to be sustainable over the long term and to have an immediate impact. Online Application -
We like and prefer:
Unifying, intergenerational projects
Circular or social economy projects
Partnerships among organizations
Projects with an ecological aspect
Innovative projects, technology
We believe in the power of volunteer work;
Have an idea?
We’ll pay for the tangible resources!
What are the steps involved in submitting an application?
Applicant organizations must show that their activities/project are recognized as charitable goods and that they are used to achieve one or more of the goals of the Carmand Normand Foundation. We have already established the guiding principles that define the causes that we want to support. These causes fall into two categories: support for seniors and mental health.
Confirm the eligibility of your organization
Ensure that your project meets our grant allocation criteria.
Fill out the application form
Please provide all the information requested concerning your organization. Note that online applications are prioritized.
Send in the form
Once the form has been sent in, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt. You may be required to provide additional information to validate your application.
Application Follow-up Steps
An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you within 15 days of receipt of your application.
We will inform you of your project’s eligibility and the date of our next Board of Directors’ meeting. If your request is eligible, you might be asked to provide additional information.
The members of the Board of Directors meet quarterly to evaluate the applications submitted and to take the appropriate action.
We will evaluate your application for assistance on the basis of relevance, design quality, performance guarantees and expected benefits.
The Foundation will deal with applicants courteously and diligently and will maintain confidentiality in all aspects of its work. -
We do not fund:
An organization’s recurring or operating expenses
Computer equipment for administrative staff is not considered
We do not fund awareness campaigns; we are interested in concrete projects!
Rent, salaries