Our Mission

The goal of our support is to ignite the spark that helps launch or complete a project that will significantly change the lives of people who need special help. The Carmand Normand Foundation offers its support via tangible resources rather than salaries for innovation projects.

In its desire to help, the Foundation has chosen to provide assistance to

History of the Foundation

Founder’s Message

Carmand Normand

Giving fulfills a need for balance. A person’s primary responsibility is to take care of themselves and their family. Once they’ve achieved this, they feel a need to share what they have.

Furthermore, giving is a privilege and I want to use this privilege as a demonstration of solidarity. Mother Teresa said that you have to give until it hurts. I say you have to give until it feels good.

Make a donation,
make a difference.

The law allows a private foundation to receive donations and issue receipts for tax purposes. Your donation can make all the difference in the lives of seniors and people experiencing mental health issues.

We are grateful for any financial support we receive and we are committed to using every dollar efficiently to achieve our mission.

Make a donation

The Governance Team

Getting support

We’re open to supporting a variety of projects and we’re always on the lookout for new initiatives to sustain our mission.